Who is Izzy
I grew up in an immigrant family that struggled to get by. The few social safety nets we had, like affordable housing, are what allowed my siblings and me to become educated, get jobs and create productive lives of our own. For this reason, I believe real Americans help each other, that we are all better off than where we started when everyone can get the help they need.
I've devoted my career in finance and social services to this goal: helping people achieve their best lives, and even better for their children - knowing we all need to lend a helping hand to do so.
In 2020, I campaigned hard to elect Joe Biden and ran for the State Assembly, then district 39. Now that our state assembly districts have changed, I'm running again to ensure that we elect representatives who actually care about the lives of regular Americans. I'm running because Republicans have been withholding the healthcare that Wisconsinites need. I oppose the Republican-dominated state legislature's move to send our tax dollars off to DC, never to return. I want to bring our tax dollars back to Wisconsin to benefit our communities through the expansion of BadgerCare, Wisconsin's public healthcare coverage program.
This is just one of the many things I hope to accomplish for the people in our community. I may not have large rich suburbs and big donors that other districts have, but our district deserves the same opportunities and resources that others receive, and the people of District 38 deserve someone who will fight for those.